Bentley LumenRT Help

VR Menu

LumenRT VR Main Menu

Click the LumenRT VR menu button on the controller or press "M" on the keyboard which displays the following menu:

LumenRT VR Main Menu:

  1. Top map view of scene - Teleports to any location on the map by plotting the teleportation beam to the desired location and pressing the trigger.
  2. Viewports - These can be created by clicking the "+" icon near (3) or by importing keyframes from the animation timeline (go to the VR Settings menu (7) to import keyframes).
  3. Add or remove viewpoint.
  4. Jump up or down one level on the map - This is only relevant if you have a model with various floors like a building or plant.
  5. Zoom the scene map in or out.
  6. Re-center the scene map.
  7. Enter the LumenRT VR Settings screen.

Click the LumenRT VR menu settings button which displays the following menu:

LumenRT VR Settings Menu:

  • Show BIM information - Toggles the display of BIM information when the controller trigger is aimed at an object containing BIM info.
  • Comfort mode - Adds a motion blurred outline to the display when moving around scene.
  • Show floor - Displays a floor grid in the scene.
  • Show viewpoints - Displays viewpoints in the scene correlating to the viewpoints on the VR menu. When clicked the camera will move to the viewpoint.
  • Use viewpoints from Time-line - Imports all the animation timeline viewpoints into the VR viewpoint collection.
  • Adapt quality to maintain Frame-rate - If enabled, sets the display quality automatically to maintain a threshold frame-rate. If disabled, the user can set a fixed display quality.
  • Teleport delay - Sets the delay in seconds when pressing the teleport trigger to teleport to a location.